What Happens After Passing Walmart’s Assessment Test?

Do you want to understand what happens after you pass Walmart’s assessment test?

Then keep reading! 

In this article, we will find out if passing Walmart’s assessment test means you are eligible for a job or not and what will happen next in the hiring process!

What Happens After Passing Walmart’s Assessment Test?

After you pass Walmart’s assessment test, you are eligible to be hired at Walmart. However, it doesn’t mean you have the job. You still need to pass the 2 interviews, as well as the background check and the drug test. 


  • After passing Walmart’s assessment test, you are eligible to be hired at Walmart. 
  • Passing Walmart’s assessment test does not mean you automatically have the job. 
  • You still need to pass 2 interviews, a background check, and a drug test to get a job at Walmart. 

In the next few minutes, you will understand exactly what happens step-by-step after passing Walmart’s assessment test! 

Step 1: First Interview

The first step in the hiring process at Walmart after you pass the assessment test is scheduling your first interview. 

The HR or personnel manager at your chosen Walmart will call you 1-2 days after you submitted the assessment test to book the appointment for your first interview. 

While you are obviously considered a serious candidate for the position if you are asked to come in for an interview, in order to ensure you get the job, you should try to schedule the interview as soon as possible. 

Step 2: Second Interview

For some Walmart positions, you will only have one interview, as there may be several people in the interview to streamline the process. 

However, for some jobs, you might be asked to come in for a second interview. 

Once again, this will usually be scheduled 1-2 days after the first interview, and you should try to book it as quickly as possible. 

Step 3: Background Check & Drug Test

After the interview process, if you pass and Walmart wants to hire you, you then need to pass a background check and drug test. 

This step in the process usually takes anywhere from 2-5 business days. However, it can take over a week if there are any hold-ups on your background check. 

Therefore, to ensure you get the job above another candidate, you need to be sure you enter your personal, educational, and occupational information correctly the first time. 

Step 4: Orientation

Once Walmart receives the notification that you passed the background check and drug test, they will contact you to come in for your orientation. 

Orientation for Walmart employees is a 1-day mandatory seminar. And after you’ve completed it, you will be officially a Walmart employee, ready for your first shift!


After you pass Walmart’s assessment test, you are eligible to be hired at Walmart. However, you aren’t a Walmart employee yet. 

You still need to pass the 1-2 interviews, the background check, and the drug test before you are officially hired. 

Finally, you must complete Walmart’s mandatory orientation before you are put on the schedule.