What Happens After Working 90 Days at Walmart?

After working 90 days at Walmart, a few things change. 

So let’s find out exactly what will happen after working for 90 days at Walmart, including the benefits you will receive! 

What Happens After Working 90 Days at Walmart?

After working for 90 days at Walmart, you are no longer on probation, and you get several employee benefits. These include using the employee discount card, accumulating PTO and PPTO, the opportunity to get a raise, and, if you work more than 30 hours a week, the option for health insurance. 


  • After working for 90 days at Walmart, you are through your probation period. 
  • You will receive your employee discount card and can accumulate PTO and PPTO after 90 days at Walmart. 
  • Working for 90 days at Walmart allows you to be eligible for a raise, but it is not guaranteed to happen immediately. 

If you want to understand what happens after working for 90 days at Walmart, read on! 

This article has everything you need to know. 

1. You’re Off Probation

Many Walmart employees don’t realize that the first 90 days of working at Walmart are actually considered a probation period. 

That means that if you break any of Walmart’s employee rules, you could and probably will be immediately terminated. 

After working for 90 days, you are off probation. This means that if you make a mistake, i.e., miss a shift, come in late, or perform poorly, you will be coached before being fired. 

It is important to note that you can still be terminated immediately at Walmart after the 90-day probation period if you get caught stealing, are aggressive towards co-workers or customers, or violate Walmart’s employee code of conduct in any way.

2. You Get to Use Your Walmart Discount Card

In addition to being off probation, you also start to get several benefits after 90 days at Walmart. 

One of Walmart employees’ favorite rewards for working for the company is the Walmart discount card. 

This card allows employees, as well as their legal spouses and children, to get 10% off most store merchandise and some food items both in stores and online. 

And you will get your Walmart discount card after you have worked at Walmart for 90 days. 

3. You Can Accumulate PTO & PPTO

Another fantastic thing that happens after working at Walmart for 90 days is that you can start accumulating PTO and PPTO! 

PTO, or paid time off, can be used with manager approval when you need a day or several away from work. This can mean sick days, personal days, vacation, doctor’s appointments, or any reason why you may be late or miss shifts at Walmart.

As well, you start receiving PPTO or protected paid time off hours, which can be used for the same reasons but without manager approval. 

How many hours of PTO and PPTO you get per hour worked depends on how long you’ve been at Walmart. 

But most new employees get 1 PTO hour for every 20 hours and 1 PPTO hour for every 30 hours they work. 

4. You May Qualify for Health Insurance

It’s important to note that only Walmart employees who work more than 30 hours a week are eligible to receive health insurance benefits. 

But if you do work more than 30 hours on average per week, your health insurance benefits will kick in after working at Walmart for 90 days. 

Walmart is proud to offer affordable health care, free counseling sessions, and even emergency care for its employees. 

However, you cannot access any of these benefits until you get through the 90-day probation period. 

5. You are Eligible for a Raise

Finally, the last thing that happens after you work for Walmart for 90 days is that you are eligible for a raise. 

Raises and bonuses at Walmart are not guaranteed, and there is no exact timeline for when you will receive them. 

It all depends on your work ethic, your manager’s opinion, and the budget of your Walmart store. 

Do You Get a Pay Raise After 90 Days at Walmart?

So, do you get a pay raise after 90 days at Walmart? Sometimes, but not always. 

Many Walmart employees receive less than the standard wage for their position during the 90-day probation period. If this is the case for you, your hourly pay will automatically increase to the minimum wage for your position. 

However, if you already get the standard hourly wage, you may get a pay raise after 90 days, but you might not! 

Once again, it completely depends on your situation and your manager’s decision. 


After working for 90 days at Walmart, you are no longer in the probation period. And therefore, you will start receiving all the benefits Walmart standard employees enjoy. 

Depending on your hourly wage and your situation, you may receive a raise after 90 days of working at Walmart. But it is not guaranteed. 

However, after 90 days, you are eligible for a raise, as well as health insurance. And you will automatically receive your Walmart employee discount card!