What Time Does FedEx Direct Deposit Hit?

Are you wondering when FedEx’s direct deposit hits your bank account?

Then you found exactly the article you were looking for!

We’re going to find out right now what time FedEx pays you. As well as how long FedEx direct deposits take to go through.

What Time Does FedEx Direct Deposit Hit?

Most FedEx direct deposits hit every Thursday. Although the paychecks are technically available on Fridays, most employees see their money in their accounts by Thursday night. Exactly when the funds will be available depends on your bank; for some, it’s Thursday, and for others, it’s Friday.


  • FedEx pays all employees every Friday.
  • Most FedEx direct deposits hit on Thursdays.
  • If your FedEx direct deposit isn’t showing up, you need to contact the HR department.

Now, if you want to learn if you can get paid early from FedEx and what to do if your direct deposit is late or, worse, never shows up, keep reading!

Do All FedEx Employees Get Paid at the Same Time?

All FedEx employees get paid at the same time. But that doesn’t mean that all employees receive their money at the same time.

Technically, FedEx payday is every Friday for every employee. However, those who don’t use direct deposit will receive their physical paycheck on Friday during work hours.

Whereas those who opted for direct deposit should see the money in their account either on Thursday or Friday. Exactly when it arrives will depend on your financial institution.

Can FedEx Employees Get Paid Early?

While the company doesn’t allow you to get paid before the official weekly payday, by selecting direct deposit as your payment option, you do technically get paid 1 day earlier!

And you can sign up for early direct deposit with FedEx by filling out simple paperwork with your manager at any time.

Why Is My FedEx Direct Deposit Late?

There are really only 2 reasons why FedEx direct deposits might be running late:

  • The bank transfer was delayed: Sometimes, your deposit is delayed because the bank is either having technical difficulties or is taking extra steps to verify your account.
  • Payday was a bank holiday: The most common reason that a FedEx deposit is late is that there was a holiday on the Thursday or Friday of the pay period.

The good news is that no matter what the issue is, you really don’t have to do anything. It will usually arrive 1-5 business days later.

What Should You Do if Your FedEx Direct Deposit Is Not Showing Up?

There are 3 scenarios that may lead to your FedEx direct deposit not showing up:

  • It’s your first paycheck.
  • Your direct deposit information was incorrect.
  • The paycheck was not sent to your account.

If you are waiting for your first paycheck to arrive in your direct deposit from FedEx, the truth is that it may never arrive.

Because it takes 2-3 weeks to verify your bank account, it may not have gone through before the first paychecks were sent out. Therefore, you should reach out to your manager, as your paycheck is probably sitting on their desk!

Although you can see in your bank account if you have a direct deposit pending, there is no way to check your direct deposit if there is nothing appearing in the account.

Therefore, if your direct deposit isn’t even showing up as pending, you should contact the HR department at FedEx.

They will be able to tell you if you entered the information incorrectly or if the paycheck wasn’t distributed correctly.