What Time Does Starbucks Direct Deposit Hit?

Do you work at Starbucks and want to know when your direct deposit will hit your bank account?

In this article, we have everything you need to know about what time Starbucks pays you. As well as how long the direct deposit takes to come through.

What Time Does Starbucks Direct Deposit Hit?

Starbucks direct deposit hits at different times depending on your account type. For standard banks, it will usually arrive between 12:00 AM – 3:00 AM every Friday or every other Friday (depending on the store.) Chime or Cash App users can expect their direct deposit on Wednesday or Thursday.


  • Starbucks pays its employees weekly or bi-weekly, depending on the location.
  • Most often, Starbucks direct deposit hits between 12:00 -2:00 AM on Fridays.
  • You cannot get early direct deposit from Starbucks unless you use Chime or Cash App.

In this article, we will dive into the details of when Starbucks employees get paid. And what they should do if their direct deposits are late or never show up at all!

Do All Starbucks Employees Get Paid at the Same Time?

Not all Starbucks employees get paid at the same time. While some locations opt for weekly pay, most use a bi-weekly pay period.

So that means that as a Starbucks employee, you will either get paid every Friday or Every other Friday.

That being said, Friday is when physical paychecks are distributed; if you opt for direct deposit, you will likely get your money sooner.

However, exactly when you receive your direct deposit depends on the bank or app you use.

Starbucks employees have reported that with most standard banks, the direct deposit will hit your account Friday between 2:00 and 3:00 AM.

But if you use an app such as Chime or Cash App, you might see the deposit in your account between 12:00 and 2:00 AM the Thursday before.

Can Starbucks Employees Get Paid Early?

Technically, there is no way to get paid early from Starbucks. But how you sign up to get paid will affect how early the money is available in your account.

Essentially, if you opt for paper paychecks, you will not actually be able to use your money until at least the Monday after payday.

However, if you choose direct deposit, the funds will be available sometime between Wednesday and Friday the week before. Depending, of course, on the bank or app you use.

For early direct deposit, the best option is to get paid through Chime or Cash App, as you will likely receive your deposit at 6:00 PM on Wednesday or 12:00 AM Thursday.

If you use a standard bank account, such as with Wells Fargo, Bank of America, or Chase, you will see the direct deposit will usually hit between 12:00 AM -3:00 AM on Friday.

Why Is My Starbucks Direct Deposit Late?

There are essentially 2 reasons why your Starbucks direct deposit does not arrive at the scheduled time:

  • A holiday fell on payday.
  • There was a delay in the bank transfer.

Now, for either one of these situations, you don’t have to do anything to get your direct deposit; it’s simply running late.

If you see that the funds have arrived but are pending and not available, you will probably be able to access the money in 1-5 business days.

However, if you don’t see the direct deposit as a pending transaction in your account, there are steps you can take.

What Should You Do if Your Starbucks Direct Deposit Is Not Showing Up?

You cannot check your direct deposit except by seeing a pending transaction in your bank account or app.

So if your Starbucks direct deposit hasn’t shown up, you will need to contact the HR department. They will be able to tell you where your money is and if it’s on the way!

Although, it is important to understand that if you are waiting on your first paycheck from Starbucks, it is probably sitting in your manager’s office.

And that is simply because it takes between 2-3 weeks for your bank account to be verified, and the first paycheck usually is ready before that occurs.