Why Does Walmart Ask For Your SSN When Applying?

If you applied to Walmart and want to know why they asked for your SSN, this is the article you need! 

We are not only going to answer your question but also find out if it’s safe to give your SSN on an online application and what Walmart will do with your personal information. 

So read on! Everything you need to know is right here. 

Why Does Walmart Ask For Your SSN When Applying?

Walmart asks for your SSN when you apply for a job, as legally, they cannot hire anyone without one. If you don’t fill out your SSN when applying to Walmart, you likely will not be considered for the position. You can feel safe giving Walmart your SSN.


  • Walmart is required to ask for your SSN when applying, as all employees must have one. 
  • It is safe to give your SSN to Walmart on your online application. 
  • Walmart follows federal regulations and keeps your personal information private. 

In this article, we are going to expand on whether or not it’s safe to enter your SSN on online applications, as well as what will happen if you don’t. 

Is It Safe to Give Your SSN on Online Applications?

When it comes to applying to Walmart, you must do so online in order to be considered for the job. And when you do, Walmart asks for your SSN on the application. 

So let’s find out if it’s safe to give your SSN on online applications. 

Here is the bottom line: It is considered unsafe to put your SSN on your resume or enter it on an online application form if the company is not reputable. 

The reason why it is not safe to put your SSN on your resume is that it typically gets passed around and is easily accessible as a word document, which may put your identity in danger of being stolen. 

That being said, Walmart is considered an extremely trustworthy company. And while you still shouldn’t put your SSN on your resume, you can feel safe entering it on the Walmart application in the applicable section. 

Walmart is proud to report that applications are kept safe. It uses an online program that ensures your personal information or identity will not be stolen or compromised. 

What Happens if You Don’t Fill Out SSN When Applying to Walmart?

If you are still unsure whether you feel comfortable filling out your SSN when applying to Walmart, you might be wondering what would happen if you didn’t enter it on your online application. 

And realistically, two things might happen. Your application could be disqualified, or you may get a call from a Walmart hiring manager asking for your SSN to complete your application.

Either way, you will not get a job at Walmart if you don’t fill out your SSN on your application. 

Once again, the reason why this is necessary is that Walmart needs to ensure you are legal to work in the United States. And your SSN has that information. 

What Does Walmart Do With Your Personal Information?

Now that you know that you must enter your SSN on your application to get a job at Walmart, you should understand what Walmart actually does with your personal information. 

And Walmart clearly states how it protects your personal information:

“To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings.”

Luckily, because Walmart is a reputable company with plenty of resources, you can trust that your SSN and personal information is well guarded and not accessible to anyone trying to steal it! 


Walmart asks for your SSN when applying to ensure you are legal to work in the United States. 

No one without an SSN can be hired at Walmart. So if you do not enter it on your online application, it will likely be disqualified. Sometimes, a hiring manager may reach out for your SSN if they like your application. And you will have to provide it to get the job. 

It’s typically not safe to put your SSN on your resume or enter it on an online application with a company that isn’t trustworthy. But you can feel safe giving Walmart your SSN. 

And the reason why is that Walmart adheres to all federal regulations. And therefore has security measures in place to keep your SSN and personal information safely guarded.